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Welcome to Sokhna Rokhaya, YPARD Senegal representative!


YPARD is delighted to welcome its new YPARD representative for Senegal: Sokhna Rokhaya.

Rokhaya is a 29 years old young Senegalese woman with two children. She is a sociologist and she is specialized in the field of Family, Women, Education and African Environment. She is currently a PhD student researcher at the University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis.

She started her research on the topic of youth and sexuality in Senegal; she continues her work in the field of agricultural research for development.

Rokhaya is currently working as an intern at AfricaRice Center, in the Sahel station of Ndiaye in the St. Louis.

“I discovered YPARD in November 2012 through CTA and Nawsheen’s blog.” She says. “I was very interested in this platform and this interest becomes greater. Indeed, I have always believed in the capacities of the youth. And we must recognize that youth competencies, positively developed in various fields, especially in agriculture can be very useful to our country to meet the challenge of unemployment and increase economic development.

With YPARD, we will achieve this idea of ??making agriculture one of the ways to eradicate unemployment in Senegal”

Warm welcome, Rokhaya. Your bring to YPARD team a set of competences that will enable to solicit young people from your country to give their feedback, which is fundamental for them to get heard and considered.

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