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Welcoming Aimé Kazika, country representative of YPARD-DRC

Aimé, country representative for YPARD-DRCYPARD is delighted to welcome Aimé Kazika, first national representative for YPARD for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Aimé Kazika, is a young Congolese agronomist since 2002 and is involved in agriculture and rural development. He is also interested in issues related to social media, youth employment, children’s rights and marginalized youth.

As a young Congolese in a country where youth poverty is high, and where agriculture is no longer attracting the attention of the youth, Aimé is committed alongside the many other young people to sensitize young people to get involved in agriculture.

With field experience in supporting farmers' organizations and youth, Aimé, dedicated research work on Climate Smart Agriculture with which he educates rural communities to strengthen community resilience, and uses it as adaptation tool to climate change and climate risk reduction.

Its vision is that of young people playing an important role in development, especially rural development; he particularly sees the importance of agriculture to tackle unemployment. As a blogger and member of the blogging community in DRC, his dream is reflected in his blog through which he wants to inspire a bright future for young Congolese and sensitize on the problems of unemployment, employment, environment, agriculture and agricultural entrepreneurship.

As a specialist in science and development techniques, Aimé, works as a project designer in an NGO called "Humana People to People Congo", and is a member of several organizations related to development: Biodiversity Information Standards - TDWG ( taxonomic Databases Working Group) affiliated with the International Union of Biological Sciences, Rescar (the Network of West Africa Agricultural Advisory Services and Central (RESCAR-AOC), which is a member of AFAAS (African Forum for Agricultural Council ).

Aimé KAZIKA, was among the 100 winners as part of the initiative "100projetspourleclimat" launched from June 6 to July 6, 2016 by the French Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea, to join a global network of actors on climate change and contribute to collaborative dynamics, with its CSA-Batéké Project "focused on building community resilience through climate-smart agriculture as a tool for adaptation to climate change and risk reduction "

He has participated in numerous international conferences, including with CTA in Bamako, Mali on improving information capabilities of people working in agriculture in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on the implications of climate change on sustainable production systems in ACP countries and with TDWG in Nairobi, Kenya on Biodiversity Informatics Training Workshop and Applications, Standards and Capacity Building for Sustaining Global Biodiversity. Recently it has been selected by GFRAS (Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services) to attend the 7th World Forum on Rural Advisory Services and its Sides and Events, the International Workshop RESCAR-AOC and by Irish Aid / GFRAS / AFAAS organized during the Forum, from 30 September to 7 October, in Limbe, Cameroon focused on "the role of rural advisory services in the inclusive agricultural entrepreneurship.

As representative YPARD DRC KAZIKA Aimé wants to set up a dynamic chapter to mobilize Congolese youth to become more involved in agriculture and agricultural entrepreneurship and make their voices heard in national and international bodies. A team of young leaders was already shaped; the team itself elected Aimé as its national representative. A special note for Arsene Birindwa without which the first stones of this chapter would not have been settled and for Hervé Bondonga for his active participation in online and on the ground international discussions. Go, YPARD DRC!

Welcome, Aimé!

Do you want to get involved with YPARD DRC? Contact Aimé at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and join YPARD-DRC's facebook group.

Welcoming YPARD Netherlands Country Representative...

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