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Welcoming our new YPARD Europe Communications and Fundraising Intern: Hana Khanh

Hana Khanh, YPARD Europe Communications and Fundraising InternWe are delighted to welcome our new Communication and Fundraising intern for YPARD Europe, Hana Khanh.

Hana is currently a master’s student in International Development and Agricultural Economics at the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS), where she focusses on seeking an effective practical distributing model and improving the value chain of tropical products, enhancing international agriculture cooperation in her home country of Vietnam as well as in other developing countries.  She holds Bachelors in International Cooperation from the Foreign Trade University in Vietnam. Previously, she worked for a start-up named Growth Catalyst Vietnam and for SeA bank as a relationship analyst, coordinating the organization with other international partners, clients in Southeast Asia and international institutions. During that time, she also actively participated in various social activities of her environmental club such as organizing an Eco-tour to organic gardens for primary pupils, encouraging NGOs and the young people to get more involved in sustainable businesses of agricultural products or calling more than one hundred students in Hanoi to volunteer in Green Pause 2.

Through those experiences, she has built a burning interest to apply her communication skills and digital marketing tools to contribute and strengthen the connection among farmers, enterprises and agricultural experts, to make progress in agricultural development. Hana considers working as an intern in the large platform of YPARD Europe a step further towards achieving her goals and interests in agriculture and agricultural development.

As the YPARD Europe Communication and Fundraising intern, Hana plans to utilize her skills and experiences to extend the network of YPARD. She considers digital marketing via social networks and, emails as one of the most trending and effective tools today for improvement in agriculture. For her “ nothing is useless if you know how to connect them together. Every separate part of your past will come in handy at a certain time. Similarly, every part of our big world, every country, everyone can be beneficial when we cooperate with each other”.

In her perspective, this new role is both an interesting challenge and a precious opportunity in her career to encourage the engagement of the youth in spreading information, the know-hows and, opportunities in agriculture. She hopes to increase the involvement of young professionals, proactively with new approaches and innovations in agriculture.

We can’t wait to hear more about communication and fundraising activities of YPARD Europe.

Welcome on board, Hana Khanh!

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