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Welcoming the new YPARD Albania representative: Bledar Meta

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Albania representative Bledar Meta.

Bledar has completed his Bachelor studies at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness, at the Agribusiness Management branch. After graduating, he participated in various training courses, one of which was training for Enterprise Management in Vienna-Austria, at the Institute of Professional Training “WIFI Austria”.

He graduated from Szent Istvan University in Gödöll? / Budapest-Hungary with a master's degree in Rural Development and Agribusiness. Before he started his graduate studies he worked for two years at an Albanian company a representative of the Austrian company Schaumann in Albania where his responsibilities covered activities such as warehouse management and logistics, assistance to the company's finance department, customer service, and control the progress of the import procedures and orders of products from Austria as well as cash daily money management.

Bledar expresses that during his work at this company he had the opportunity to implement his professional knowledge and personal skills and has also provided him with the practical training on how to do multiple tasks at the same time, how to meet up with deliverables while under high pressure.

He learned to work with colleagues in an accurate and efficient way to contribute to teamwork and many other things. With a strong interest in contributing to the sustainable development of rural areas, he expresses that institutions and societies should pay special attention to sustainable development of rural areas which play a pivotal role in reducing rural-urban migration.

The young population is also getting more and more out of rural areas and are emigrating abroad due to lack of employment opportunities. Bledar expresses that the desire to improve this situation and to contribute towards making young people in this country understand that agriculture has a special importance for society has motivated him to become a part of YPARD and to bring it to Albania, as he is convinced that this platform will help young people in his country, to turn their eyes and energy towards agriculture.

He believes that improving agriculture's image in young people’s minds and showing them the opportunities it can provide, will increase their interest to engage in the sector and they will see agriculture as a good opportunity to develop their self. "I am very pleased and honored to be part of a global network of young professional for the development of agriculture such as YPARD. Also, being the representative of YPARD Europe for Albania, I will do my best to develop this global network in my country where young people can benefit from sharing information with young professionals in the field of agriculture from the whole world. I also believe that YPARD will be a platform for young Albanians to be inspired to have and give new ideas for the development of agriculture and agribusiness, which will contribute to sustainable rural development”

If you are from or based in Albania and would like to become involved in the YPARD Albania activities please contact Bledar via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Picture credit: Bledar Meta

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