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Welcoming the new YPARD Moldova representative: Cristina Conea

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Moldova representative Cristina Conea.

Cristina is currently undertaking her MSc studies at Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTZ) in Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) in Prague, Czech Republic where she is focused on International Development and Agricultural Economics. Cristina is currently preparing her Master Thesis on “Assessment of factors influencing the improvement of market access among collective actions of small farmers in Moldova”. At the same faculty, she successfully finished her Bachelors’ on Sustainable Rural Development in Tropics and Subtropics. In 2014 she got the opportunity to add a practical twist to her studies attending a Summer School Programme in Indonesia where she explored how agriculture is practiced in this remote part of the world. Today she is involved as a consultant in a project supported by Czech Development Agency on “Improving availability of drinking water to village population in the southern part of Moldova”.

Cristina’s path in agricultural development started when she was just in high school after the joining the “One World in Schools” programme, which is one of the educational programmes of the People in Need foundation that help educate responsible young people, who are getting their bearings in today’s world.

“Living abroad for 10 years I have understood that I want to contribute more to the agricultural development of Moldova. Thanks to international faculty at CULS where I have my studies I was given many offers to do research in other countries, but my mind was all the time switched back to where my roots are. Moldova is a country in transition and as never before it needs more responsible and conscious people to change things in the right direction. During my 4 years in International Development, I gathered certain knowledge that I would like to apply in my country. I am thankful to YPARD for giving me an excellent opportunity to share my voice with young Moldavians”.

If you are from or based in Moldova and would like to become involved in the YPARD Moldova activities please contact Cristina via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Picture credit: Cristina Conea

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