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Welcoming YPARD Madagascar Representative: Malala Onisoa

YPARD Madagascar Representative Malala Onisoa

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Madagascar: Malala Onisoa Rakotojaofeno

Malala, a Malagasy environmentalist and economist by training has over five years on evironmental related issues. Her areas of expertise include Environment, development, economics and agriculture. Currently, she is a PhD student at the University of Antananarivo and have been involved in agricultural activities since 2011 with Farming & Technology for Africa

Since the beginning of 2013, she has been coordinating Youth Projects for the Jeune et Agriculture à Madagascar, a Youth Promotion platform supported by Farming & Technology for Africa in Madagascar . In the coming months, they will be launching different innovative initiatives like Job advertisement database for Young Professionals in Agriculture, Video for Development among others.

But, how and why is Malala involved in Agriculture and Rural Development? 

"I have been involved in agricultural activities since 2011 and I like to improve more my knowledge and my activity for agricultural and rural development in Africa. I believe that countries like Madagascar must invest more in Agriculture, and involve more young people in Agricultural development to get out of poverty and malnutrition.

The problem of young people nowadays is the limited access to training and education, lack of specific policies on youth and agriculture, lack of funding opportunities and investment, and problem of access to markets. So, I’m convinced that young people have an important role in agricultural development.
This is why I am prepared to bring my contribution to agricultural and rural development. Thus, I see that YPARD is an opportunity to encounter more young people who want to develop agriculture. "

We totally agree with Malala and can’t wait to hear more from the Youth-in-Agriculture in Madagascar as we trust that YPARD Madagascar will be successful in mobilizing the youth through Malala's leadership.

Welcome on board Malala Onisoa Rakotojaofeno.

If you are from or based in Madagascar, and want to get involved in YPARD Madagascar activities, please contact Malala at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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