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Welcoming YPARD new representative for Malawi: Msekiwa Matsimbe!

Msekiwa MatsimbeYPARD is delighted to welcome Msekiwa Matsimbe as YPARD Malawi representative. Msekiwa is taking over as Maxwell has got enrolled in an academic programme in the US.

"I am a young female research scientist in Aquaculture and Fisheries Scientist (Fish biodiversity expert), working as a Research Fellow at the NEPAD Regional Fish Node, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resource (LUANAR), Malawi. Msekiwa says.

I have been a YPARD member since 2012 and have been actively involved in YPARD activities and meetings to date, including its August side event at FARA Science Week in Accra, Ghana. YPARD has come to be a platform where I can share and get knowledge on youths in agriculture, agricultural development initiatives and related opportunities in one place.

As an upcoming young scientist, my vision is to effectively contribute to finding solutions in the aquaculture and fisheries sector through extensive research and dissemination of research findings in the most possible dynamic way for enhanced aquaculture production, fish biodiversity conservation and formulation of best fisheries management policies. My passion is to see well-nourished and healthy rural communities especially women and children through relevant and technology responsive agricultural systems managed by passionate young agriculturists.

As a young scientist, I am not just glued to the lab or field. I also make use of information technology and social networks for knowledge and  information sharing. I use and manage the social network platforms (facebook, twitter, blogs, youtube etc), website, fish database and lead in the production of other information dissemination tools including newsletters, posters and journals ( or at NEPAD Regional Fish Node.

I was also privileged to be part of the 12 youths that were selected across the globe to attend the social media reporting training at the Global Conference in Agriculture (GCARD2), 2012 for effective use of the social media for agricultural development. As a YPARD Country Rep, I aspire to let more youths get the knowledge of how powerful social media is in agricultural development, let alone in their career. This is through information sharing on the various social networks am connected at the University level upwards.

Malawi as a country has a strong and vibrant youth base, also organized in youth groups some of which are based at universities. I see the need for these local groups to be connected to global youth communities/international forums such as YPARD to have insights on how fellow youths across the globe are making contributions to feed the world through active participation in agriculture. As a YPARD country representative, I plan to facilitate integration and participation of the local youth groups in YPARD activities. Notwithstanding, the inclusion of youths in fisheries sector across the globe as a sector whose youths have also not been fully engaged in agricultural youth programs and communities.

Nevertherless, as youths in the various vibrant networks being interconnected with a common purpose and growing passion, we are on track and making progress. Join fellow youths today though YPARD! Remember, “When you hear buzz around the beehive, you know they're making honey in there” (Terrence Howard)"

Welcome on board, Msekiwa! Our relationship and work together is already well established and it is a pleasure for us to have you as a country representative. Million thanks to Maxwell for his thoughtful leadership in Malawi as the previous YPARD representative and best wishes to him. Check Maxwell's feedback about his experience as YPARD country representative.

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