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Welcoming YPARD project intern: Gabriel Yves Badr

InternWe are delighted to welcome the YPARD project support intern Gabriel Yves Badr.

Gabriel is an Agricultural Engineering student with a Minor in Politics. He is currently rounding up his final year project entitled “Agriculture, Syria’s economic hope” in order to obtain his diploma of Agricultural Engineering along with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik. He is also familiar with tenure right on natural resources and water resources management and policy.

Gabriel got involved in different fields as landscaping, intern engineer at HawaChicken, which is the lead company in the poultry sector in Lebanon, and at OneHealthLab, an animal health laboratory as Field Engineer where he mainly gathered information and samples for experiments, studies and analysis for a tailored response to each client’s challenge. 

He was also socially committed to the scout group and group and district secretary responsible for archiving, reporting, and plan, execute and control within a group the organization process activity and continuity. Moreover, the work also consisted on continuously planning fundraising activities to ensure the group survival.

Currently, as a YPARD member, Gabriel is working in collaboration with UNFAO to address and best tackle the challenges faced in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. The focus is on implementing agroecology while involving youth. Agroecology is a scientific discipline, a set of practices and a social movement, which studies how different components of the agroecosystem interact. As a set of practices that seeks sustainable farming systems that optimize and stabilize yields.

As a new intern, he looks forward to mapping out and categorizing the region into groups selected according to its context in terms of natural resources availability, development and political stability. Moreover, since YPARD’s strong focus on young people, the main approach will be focused on education to empower future generations, creating sustainable systems and food-safe environment; leading to present and future positive outcomes as food safety and sustainable agriculture.

Stay tuned and feel free to express your interest, get involved and seek further information on the project and its progress by contacting: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Photo credit: Gabriel Yves Badr

Welcoming YPARD project intern: Wendel Georges
YPARD interns on a mission: Youth in agroecology

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