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Welcoming YPARD representative for Canada: Beth Timmers!

Beth Timmers, YPARD Representative for CanadaYPARD is delighted to welcome YPARD representative for Canada: Beth Timmers.

"I am thrilled to have been nominated as Canada’s YPARD Country representative." Beth says

"I’m a Canadian economist, highly committed to promoting the interests of young Canadians in ARD.

I’m currently working with the Agriculture and Food Security Team at Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) as this year’s Research Award Recipient. My research focuses on gender and small scale fisheries in Uganda.  I consider this position a transition back into the Canadian agricultural research landscape, following over two years working abroad.

After obtaining my graduate degree in Development Studies at Queen’s University, I worked with the Uganda Cooperative Alliance on value chain development in Northern Uganda then shifted to work with the CGIAR’s WorldFish Center, based in Penang, Malaysia.

My career so far has benefitted immensely from initiatives supporting youth in agriculture – first, through the Canadian International Development Agency’s International Youth Internship Program, and now, through the Research Award program for Canadian and developing-country scientists at IDRC.

I attribute the opportunities I’ve had with excellent mentorship, from the Economics department at the University of Winnipeg in my home province of Manitoba, to the brilliant team of social scientists at WorldFish Center. I feel very inspired to put my knowledge of good mentorship into practice!

My career path has really stemmed from childhood – I grew up on a vegetable farm in rural Manitoba. My parents were heavily involved in our local food system and committed to small scale organic farming despite a lack of institutional support in the 1990s-early 2000s.

My academic studies and professional experiences have allowed me to understand, on a more global scale, the interconnectedness of small scale farmers (and fishers!). I hope to expand on this knowledge and pursue a doctoral degree as my program wraps up at IDRC.

For me, agricultural research is a way to combine advocacy for small scale agriculture and critical development issues with my passion for good food, and global / intercultural community-building. I look forward to contributing to the YPARD mission, and fostering the network of Canadian youth in ARD!"

Welcome Beth! Your international experience in key institutions in the field of ARD and through projects related to youth empowerment will surely benefit the whole YPARD Team and help strenghten our work together. It is without saying that we are eager to share more with Young Professionals from Canada working for agricultural development!

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