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YPARD Albania at the 2019 Global G.A.P. Tour

YPARD Albania has participated in the event "Global G.A.P. Tour 2019 Albania - 16th of March "  which was held at the premises of “Expocity Albania” on the second day of the Agro-Tech 2019 Fair, 2nd Edition. This event was organized by RISI Albania (partner for growth) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Representatives of Global G.A.P provided very useful information for collectors and exporters of fruit and vegetables, producers, supermarkets, farmers, consultants, certification bodies and other stakeholders in the event. During the event we discussed as a very important issue, that Albanian agricultural products should increase their competitiveness in the international markets, meeting the security requirements and standards. In order to benefit from the higher prices of these markets, which will contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture in Albania.

This event was a great opportunity to meet with representatives of one of the world's largest standards such as Global G.A.P. and to learn from them the Good Agricultural Practices so that farmers and businesses in Albania have the opportunity, by applying these standards, to increase their business level and the product’s standards they produce for a wider market. This event was also an excellent opportunity for networking and meetings with business partners and service providers, as well as very important information to enter the EU supply chain and beyond.

Participants in this event learned about GLOBALG.A.P standard, how to increase food safety and regional standards, how to apply these standards in the Albanian context to be adapted with the international market requirements. Also, participants in this event were introduced to the three businesses which had just been certified by Global G.A.P. and continue to implement the required practices and standards of global G.A.P. They talked about their experience and the difference in their work and the practices they had applied before they were certified with Global G.A.P. and now that they were certified. They told the participants in the event about their benefits in terms of quality, standards, greater opportunities for markets and financial benefit after they were certified. They were very pleased because their products now have open doors in many EU markets and beyond. They can sell their products after certification at a higher value than before because they are certified by Global G.A.P.

Global G.A.P.Representatives of Global G.A.P. informed the participants about the group and individual certification practices, and also they gave suggestions and clarifications on which of these practices is best suited for Albania. This was based on their many years of experience in different countries of the world. Participants in this event discussed and highlighted the importance of Global G.A.P. for Albanian products to come out and compete worthily in the European market and beyond.

Picture credit: Bledar Meta


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