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YPARD an avant-garde platform supporting young professionals

The Young Professionals for Agricultural Development network “YPARD” has for several years started its work in support of young professionals in the field of agriculture, supporting them to have a stronger voice this way.

YPARD has done this through various mechanisms such as: organizing various workshops, providing different information for professional youth in the field of employment, various scholarships, information to apply for different funds, the creation of national and regional networks of young professionals in the field of agriculture and support in many other aspects.

I was present as the representative of Albania for YPARD, at the workshop YPARD organized in the framework of Conference on Research in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development - TROPENTAG 2018 with the topic: Global food security and food safety: The role of Universities. Held at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Campus Coupure at the University of Ghent, Ghent Belgium.

The workshop YPARD organized was part of pre-conference activities and was hosted by Myriam Perez the former YPARD Director, with the support of Libuška Valešová, YPARD Europe Coordinator and Stacy Hammond YPARD Europe Communications and Fundraising Officer.

In the workshop was discussed how to empower researchers and young professionals engaged in the research, facilitating connections and knowledge transfer with high-level and experienced scientists. Having intended that these young scientists can build research and take action, which will provide an answer against the inequalities that exist, in order to create a better future for all of us.

Also, a very important focus of the discussion was the employment of young researchers within the academy, how to facilitate the way these young scientists and professionals gain from different funds. But during the discussion, we as country representatives and other participants in the workshop brought and shared with each other thoughts, problems and different opinions to support young scientists and professionals and the challenges they face in different countries of the world.

At my point of view, YPARD is moving on the right path in support of young scientists and professionals in the field of agriculture, but we all together have to strive to do more to find the most optimal and innovative mechanisms, to support young scientists and professionals, in terms of employment and keeping them within science, so that they can give their valuable contribution towards a better social-economic life.

Picture credit: Hana Voca

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