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YPARD is building the YPARD Europe platform, join the initiative!

CBO13113[RF] (c)

YPARD is building the YPARD Europe platform.

The YPARD European platform is part of the YPARD Global platform, following the same vision and mission:

to work for a sustainably improved livelihood, worldwide, through dynamic Agricultural Research for Development, by serving as a platform through which young professionals can express their ideas and realise their full potential toward a dynamic ARD. 

The YPARD ‘Europe’ region targets those YPARD members based in Europe, active in Agricultural Research for Development.  This region will focus on the links between Europe and developing countries, the exchange of information and partnerships.  The European group is expected to collaborate and work on activities that benefit young professionals active in ARD in Europe as well as link activities with the YPARD Asia, Africa and LAC regions.

The objectives are:

  • To enhance better communication and information sharing between YPARD members of the region and members worldwide as a mean to strengthen local action and innovation.
  • To harmonize local and global decision making by giving more voice to the region in global policy debates
  • To promote agriculture and agricultural research for development on regional and local level
  • To facilitate capacity building opportunities and adapted resources in and for the region

This initiative is by and for YPARD European based members, to work together to build something strong.  Activities and plans will be communicated with the YPARD coordination unit.   In time, as the network grows, formal hosting arrangements will be negotiated with a European ARD institution and a regional coordinator will be appointed.

YPARD is an official member of the EFARD – European Forum for Agricultural Research for Development Steering Committee.  YPARD Europe will seek to link initiatives to EFARD’s 2011-2013 strategy, where relevant. 

YPARD is currently working on a new website which will include a European section, in order to target your specific information needs on activities, job opportunities, news and events in ARD.

Join the YPARD Europe initiative!

We are welcoming all YPARD European members or members currently based in Europe to discuss and set priorities for the European activities.  Contribute your ideas on activities that:

  • include engaging with other European YPARD members
  • link with work within your own institutions (those in ARD)
  • link to activities with YPARD members from Africa, Asia or LAC

Do not hesitate sharing your questions or suggestions - everything which could feed discussions for building up a strong YPARD Europe plan. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Invite other young professionals in agricultural related field who could be interested in joining the initiative!

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