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YPARD Nepal participates in Bhairahawa Food Fair

Nepal being a diversified country in terms of culture, customs, religion, ethnicities, geographical habitat, the feeding habit of the Nepalese and the food they consume obviously differs accordingly. 

No doubt, Nepal is an agricultural country and different agricultural products have unique and significant nutritional values and agriculture is the prime source of food.  Despite the diversified food production and consumption habit, many people are still not aware of the nutritional values of traditional food and even the food they are consuming. 

By considering these facts, in order to promote the nutritional values of traditional food and to disseminate the information on various aspects of food, the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC), regional office Bhairahawa organized a 3 days Food Fair in Bhairahawa dated from  22nd Feb 2018 to 24th Feb 2018. The entrance was free for everyone.

The program was inaugurated by the chief guest Mr. Baijjanth Chaudhary, Hon. Minister, Land reform and reconstruction ministry province No. 05. In his speech, he emphasized on the necessity of such fairs to be organized in a different part of Nepal in coming days too. Similarly, the Director General of DFTQC, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Karna focused on the way to promote the locally available food to the international market instead of importing. The fair was coordinated by Mr. Hasta Bhadhur Rai, Head of the regional office of DFTQC Bhairahawa.

There were altogether sixty-six stalls of different four categories 

  1. Technical institutions and organizations 
  2. Hotels and restaurants  
  3. Traditional food producing stalls 
  4. Small-scale industries 

Our stall was one of them from the first category where we – three YPARD members Renu Ojha, Manila Lamichhane and myself – with other three volunteers namely: Sachin Bhattarai, Samikchya Pandey & Aditi Sarkar coordinated the stall for the three days. 

We introduced YPARD Nepal to anyone and everyone who visited the stand and promoted the nutritional benefits of the mushroom. We were very excited with the flow of visitors especially the youth who came to our stall, we recorded more than one hundred and fifty visitors in the event among them most were young students and small-scale industrialists. Especially, youth were curious about YPARD and they all suggested that we disseminate information about the network more.

We are thankful to Mr. Abhishek Khadka, YPARD Nepal representative for his guidance and Mr. Hasta Bhadhur Rai for the coordination and help to put up our stall at the event.


Photo credit: Subash

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