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YPARD Peru starts the second Ruralist Youth School

We are proud to announce our second Ruralist Youth School. 

This is an initiative that YPARD Peru has been working on since 2016 when the first Ruralist Youth School took place. This event is confirmed by eleven sessions (four of them have already taken place). The major themes that have been studied so far are key points on agrarian rural development, general notions about social projects, intercultural dialogue between native`s village.

Until now we had the participation of these exponents: Fernando Eguren (CEPES), Sofía Miranda, (UPC), Natalia Lozano (Earthworm Foundation), Javier De Haro (CESAL), Yohannaliz Vega (Ministry of Culture), Flor Prado (IDMA) and Cristian Gutiérrez (EVEA).

The main project’s goal is to inspire young people, especially women, to take part in agrarian development in order to have more sustainable and fair management of agriculture. 

To accomplish this, we have twenty-six students between 18 and 29 years old and a proportion of 85% women’s coming from four Peruvian regions (Lima, Cusco, Apurímac and Junín) and seven universities - four public and three private institutions. 

The participants in the Ruralist Youth School is divided into 6 groups. Each one has to create a project related to rural agrarian development. Also, each group has a mentor who guides the group during their process building their project in order to give communities the opportunity to improve their quality of life.

Mentors are young professionals (less than 40 years old) coming from 4 Peruvian regions Tacna, San Martín, Apurímac y Lima) four public universities. 

From now on we wish pleasant and enriching experience to the young people who are already part of the Young Ruralists Academy, also, to those who have an interest in being a part of this initiative.

Click here to access the event link.

Picture credits: YPARD Perú


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