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YPARD picture database - General call to all of you, YPARD members or supporters!!

YPARD is constantly working in sensitizing and informing different stakeholders on the key role of Young Professionals in Agricultural Research.

Picture is a fundamental element for attracting attention, increasing visibility and awareness, and disseminating information.

We are collecting pictures representing YPs from everywhere in the world. This can be a YP in a field, in a laboratory, in a conference... with crops, equipment... working together, etc etc.

Do you have pictures related to YPs and Agriculture?
Do you want to share them with us?
Do you know somebody who could have relevant pictures?
Please, do let us know!

These pictures will be used with credit.
(ie: (c)John Smith)

If interested, you can contact us and send the pictures at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thanking you most for your collaboration!

YPARD at the UNESCO Youth Forum
YPARD discusses youth with FAO


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Monday, 23 September 2024

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