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Call for workshop contributions: Organic Agriculture for Development - What Works


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At the upcoming 17th Organic World Congress, there will be a workshop on "OA for Development: What Works".

If you have been involved in innovative, successful projects and would like to tell your stories, please read the instructions below and send in your description by May 14!
Objectives of the workshop:
The workshop  will focus on some specific aspects of OA in development projects and initiatives (listed below) and will provide a space for exchanging experiences and ideas among the project “owners”. The goal is to establish common ground and to start drafting guidelines for future initiatives focused on organic agriculture.
During the workshop an international working group/network for the promotion and development of international cooperation projects based on OA will be launched.

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To submit a presentation of your initiatives for the selection, please download the questionnaire available here.
Fill it and send it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (no later than 14th May 2011).
The results of the selection process will be communicated to the responsible persons (mentioned in the document) no later than 30 June 2011.

Time plan
- 14th May: closing of the call for initiatives.
- 10th June: selection of the initiatives to be presented at the workshop and poster exhibition.
- 28th September – 1st  October: workshop and poster exhibition at the 17° IFOAM World Congress in Korea.