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Call for Concept Notes of Project Proposals to SDC’s Global Programme Food Security


The SDC Global Programme Food Security (GPFS) is in the process of complementing its programme portfolio according to its strategy 2010 – 2015.


The SDC Global Programme Food Security (GPFS) is in the process of complementing its programme portfolio according to its strategy 2010 – 2015.


Therefore, they are looking for short concept notes of project proposals fulfilling their criteria. The call is divided into six lots according to the core issues of the GPFS strategy. To get a well balanced portfolio one project proposal for each of the core issues 1 to 5 and two project proposals within core issue 6 will be considered for funding. These figures are only indicative and can vary depending on the budgets and quality of the proposed concept notes.


Please, read the call for concept for more information on the concept notes requierements and selection criteria.


Deadline for submission: 1 July 2011
Submission of concept notes to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For further information see: