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International DAAD-Alumni Summer School 2009 "Quality Dynamics of Fruits and Vegetables in the Post-Harvest Phase"

International DAAD-Alumni Summer School 2009 "Quality Dynamics of Fruits and
Vegetables in the Post-Harvest Phase"

The Summer School is scheduled from Monday, March 9 until Friday, March 20, 2009. The
first part until Saturday, March 14 is organized by the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) as a collaborative event with the Summer School of the University of Göttingen.
Venues will be Bonn and Cologne/Germany and a visit to the ANUGA FoodTec
( will be a central component of the program. The second part
is arranged by the Institute of Biological Production Systems and will take place in

Main topic of the second Summer School part will be post-harvest quality dynamics of fruits
and vegetables. Specifically the Summer School will focus on:
o Quality definitions and parameters
o Chemical key components in fruits and vegetables and their post-harvest behaviour
o Packaging technologies
o Methods for quality determination

The Summer School will provide:
o Lectures on secondary metabolites and packaging, non-destructive quality control
and analysis technology
o Excursions to vegetable and fruit processing industries in northern Germany
o The possibility to take an active part and present regional distinctions in post-harvest
handling of fruits and vegetables
o Interactive sessions with lively discussions on post-harvest practices, processing
technology and research demand

The Summer School is open to Alumni of any German university from developing countries
who are involved in the subject area of post-harvest handling or processing of fruits and
vegetables. Application forms can be found at

Please return the completed application to
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not later than November 15, 2008 including the following documents:
o Curriculum vitae
o A motivation letter, indicating why and in which way your attendance could accelerate
progress in your country regarding the Summer School subject
o A quotation for the expected travel expenses to/from Germany.

The Summer School is limited to 25 participants. Successful applicants will be informed by
email. Conference language will be English. The Summer School is funded by the DAAD.
Costs for daily subsistence, health insurance and transportation between the Summer School
venues will be fully covered. Expenses for travel to/from the conference venue will be
refunded to 75% only. Date of arrival in Cologne will be Sunday, March 8 and departure from
Hannover will be Saturday, March 21.

For further questions please contact
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Additional information on the first Summer School part and this announcement can be found

Hannover, October 8, 2008
Prof. Dr. H. Stützel