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SFIAR Award 2009 - Call for applications

SFIAR Award 2009 - Call for applications

The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research offers an annual Award for scientists working for a Swiss institution in agricultural research for development.

With this Award the SFIAR aims to:
a) support relevant agricultural research for development (ARD)
b) promote knowledge on and visibility of Swiss ARD

The SFIAR awards new, innovative and result oriented research projects with a prize sum of CHF 5'000 (CHF 10'000 for a team).

All scientists working (or having worked) for a Swiss institution and with at least one partner in a developing country are encouraged to apply.

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2009

For details on scope, eligibility and application see the
SFIAR Award Guidelines 185kb

Attached resources

[.pdf] SFIAR Award 2009_guidelines