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Knight News Challenge: Your shot at a share of $5 million


The Knight News Challenge is an international media innovation contest. It provides funding 
for digital journalism and innovation. The Knight News Challenge started its first round on 27th February 2012.

There will be different topics for every round. The theme of the first round is “networks”. The Networks challenge round seeks projects that use the best of existing software and platforms – those already integrated into people’s lives – to find new ways to convey news
 and information. So this could be your opportunity to call attention to YPs in ARD!

The second round will be held later in the spring. It will be an open competition, looking for new ideas broadly. The theme for the third round, later this year, has yet to be determined.

Each of the three rounds will be eight to 10 weeks long, for shorter, more focused contests that better mirror the pace of innovation. Anyone anywhere can apply

For further details or to see what has already been submitted, visit this 

Until March 17, you can learn more, and apply, at NewsChallenge.orgMichael Maness  and John Bracken will be answering questions on a Google Hangout at 1 p.m. EST on Wednesday. The FAQ are available online. And you can reach them at  @knightfdn and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..