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Voices4Climate 2012: Global Photo, Video and Music Competition

 Global Photo, Video and Music CompetitionIn the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP18) in Qatar this December 2012, the Voices4Climate Photo/Video/Music Video Competition invites young people from the ages of 18 to 35 to submit photos and videos relating to climate change.

The organisers want to hear your stories. How is climate change affecting your country? Your community? You, your friends, and your family?

 Global Photo, Video and Music CompetitionIn the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP18) in Qatar this December 2012, the Voices4Climate Photo/Video/Music Video Competition invites young people from the ages of 18 to 35 to submit photos and videos relating to climate change.

The organisers want to hear your stories. How is climate change affecting your country? Your community? You, your friends, and your family?


Do you have a cool idea for a local solution?


  1. Agriculture
  2. Energy
  3. Forests,
  4. Gender
  5. Health
  6. Water

Entries that do not relate to one of these categories, will not be accepted.

Photos submitted as Entries should also have short captions (150 words or less), preferably in English. Videos (60 seconds or less) may be submitted in any language, but English or French subtitles are highly encouraged. Music Videos (between 60 seconds and five minutes in length) may be submitted in any language. The website is in English, however Entries in other languages can be submitted. Deadline: The deadline for entries for the Voices4Climate Challenge is 11:59pm EST, November 15 2012

Rules for Submission:

  • Voices4Climate photo, video, and music video submissions must be created by and owned by the entrant
  • Voices4Climate photo, video, and music video submissions must tell a climate change story related to one of these seven categories: Jobs, Agriculture, Energy, Forests, Gender, Health, and Water
  • Video and Music videos entries must be three hundred (300) seconds or less and may be recorded in any language, but English or French subtitles are highly encouraged
  • The deadline for entries for the Voices4Climate Photo/Video/Music Video /Music Video Competition is 11:59pm EST, November 15, 2011. An entry is timely only if received before this time. The time of transmittal will not be dispositive.
  • Users may submit more than one photo, video and/or music video entry in multiple categories; however the same entry may not be submitted to multiple categories.


  • Solar backpacks, digital still/video cameras, computer tablets, and portable DVD players.
  • Photo Competition: Prizes will be given to a first, second, and third-place winner in each of the six photo categories, in each age group.
  • Video Competition: Prizes will be given to a first, second, and third place winner in each age group.
  • Music Video Competition: Prizes
  • People's Choice Award: One winner, determined by greatest number of votes, will be given the People's Choice prize.

Judging Criteria:

  • Power of the photograph, video, or music video and its caption or narrative (includes creativity and the story the photo, video, or music video tells related to climate change and the relevant competition category) (33.33%);
  • Potential impact on the competition objectives of raising awareness about climate change issues and communicating a personal climate change story or local climate change solution (33.33%); and
  • Originality (33.33%)


The External Judging Panel will select sixty-four (64) Contestants whose photo, video, and music video entries earn the highest overall score to win the following prizes. In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected based on the criteria described in (1), then (2), and finally (3). If there is still a tie then the winner will be selected based on a vote by the External Judging Panel.

Total Prizes

A total of 64 prizes will be awarded!

  • People's Choice Winner
  • The Contestant whose Entry receives the highest number of votes before the deadline, based solely on the public voting of registered visitors at will receive a solar backpack.
  • If there is a tie between one or more Submissions for the People's Choice Award, two prizes will be awarded to each of the tied top Contestants.
  • Use of an automated process or similar device to submit an electronic vote is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to use automated vote process will subject all votes from the person to disqualification. If a Contestant receives irregular votes, including but not limited to, votes generated by a robotic, programmed, script, macro, other automated means or other source, the Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify the Contestant in their sole discretion. If the voting process for the Popular Choice Award fails to operate properly or appears to be tampered with or tainted with errors, fraud or unfair practices, the World Bank its sole discretion reserves the right to use another means to determine the winner of the Popular Choice Award, i.e. random selection or appointing a panel of judges. Contestants may not pay people or provide any other type of consideration in exchange for votes. Any Contestant who violates the ban on paying or providing consideration in exchange for votes will be disqualified. Public votes may be displayed on the competition website, on a real-time basis, before being verified for integrity. These unverified votes do not necessarily reflect accurately the winner of the Popular Choice Award. The winner of the Popular Choice Award will be the entrant(s) who are contacted directly by the World Bank after votes have been verified. The World Bank reserves the right to modify the voting period at anytime for any reason.


Voices4Climate Photo/Video/Music Video /Music Video Competition participants must be between 13-30 years of age (age categories are 13-17, 18-24, and 25-30). Participants must be between 18 to 30 years of age. Participants will be asked to certify their rage when entering, and the World Bank reserves the right to verify the age of any participant, including potential winners.

Entry Procedure: 

Participants shall submit Entries in relation to one of the categories specified for the competition. may submit multiple entries to multiple categories, however, the same entry may not be submitted to more than one category

An entry is timely only if received before this time. The time of transmittal will not be dispositive.

  • Selection : In addition, to the judging process described below, visitors to the site can vote on any Entries received before the deadline to determine a People's Choice Winner. The one Entry (photo OR video OR music video) having received the most votes at the deadline will be deemed the winner of the People's Choice award. The number of popular votes for each Entry will be shown on the site at all times.

 You can submit your entry on this Link: Voices4Climate 2012: Global Photo, Video and Music Competition
