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Asia Pacific Graduates Youth Forum on Green Economy

The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), the Consortium for Capacity Building (CCB) at the University of Colorado and the Asia Pacific Mountain Network (APMN) of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) are organizing the ‘Asia Pacific Graduates’ Youth Forum on Green Economy’ in Kathmandu, Nepal from 25-29 September, 2012.

Funded under the CAPaBLE Program of the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), this forum will attract 40 youth from the wider Asia-Pacific region, who are engaged in sustainability issues. The five-day long program will contain capacity building and knowledge exchange sessions, leadership exercises and excursions to nearby environmental projects.


The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), the Consortium for Capacity Building (CCB) at the University of Colorado and the Asia Pacific Mountain Network (APMN) of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) are organizing the ‘Asia Pacific Graduates’ Youth Forum on Green Economy’ in Kathmandu, Nepal from 25-29 September, 2012.

Funded under the CAPaBLE Program of the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), this forum will attract 40 youth from the wider Asia-Pacific region, who are engaged in sustainability issues. The five-day long program will contain capacity building and knowledge exchange sessions, leadership exercises and excursions to nearby environmental projects.

The forum is also supported by the Government of Nepal, the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), US Agency for International Development/Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA), the Small Earth Australia (SEA), and the Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan.


Unsustainable activity of human being is causing serious threats to themselves and the entire living world. Climate change is a representative example. Its impacts are revealed on every part of the earth and it has direct relation with human beings and the environment. The earth is continuously under stress due to an explosive growth of population demanding more and more energy resources, inequitable and non-uniform distribution of wealth, unsustainable consumption and production mechanisms, ineffective governance, gender inequality and individual differences in terms of facing impacts and responding to them as well as new challenges being added to the list every year requiring different and effective ways to deal with them. Coupled to these problems, poverty has become a vicious circle of development in the Asia Pacific region, where more than 80% of poor people in the earth are inhabited, the condition of the developing countries is even worse.

After 20 years since the Earth Summit held in Rio, many nations are planning their presence during the follow up meeting in the same place as the Rio+20. This would be one of the great platforms for global community to address the contemporary issues and recommend long-lasting policy on sustainable development issues. The decisions made today will have direct implication to the next generation, the youth, as they are the actors for implementing the policies in ground in the future. Therefore, to make secure and more liveable future, youth empowerment is essential.

About the event

Asia Pacific Graduates’ Youth Forum on Green Economy which is going to be held on 25-29 September 2012 at Kathmandu, Nepal, is a regional scale workshop focused on capacity building of the dedicated youth leaders from Asia Pacific Region engaged in sustainability issues. The five-day long program will contain capacity building and knowledge exchange sessions, leadership exercises and excursions to nearby environmental projects. The workshop is aimed to share the ideas, experiences of technological needs for achieving sustainable development in the line of green economy.
The Four strongly committed youth will be selected among the forty participants to represent the region in COP-18. The selection will be made according to the level of engagements in the workshop and their performances. Those selected four youth will be assigned for drafting the youth declaration on climate change for COP-18 of UNFCCC under the close collaboration of ICIMOD, SEN, CCB and APN. The drafted declaration will be made open in public among the youth for their inputs. The existing email networks and social networks will be the platform for the consultation. In the COP-18, a side event will be organized to share the regional youth issues on climate change. The event will be organized in close collaboration with APN. Daily updates will be shared by those four delegates in their respective areas.


  • To develop capacity of selected Asia Pacific Youth on green economy, environmental governance and climate change adaptation through a scientific workshop
  • To facilitate information and knowledge sharing, networking and advocacy processes on above themes in the region through establishment of a virtual as well as physical network of dedicated youth
  • To improve significantly participation of regional youth in globally important meeting UNFCCC CoP-18.

Who Can Participate

Applications from Youth aged 18-30 with an academic or a professional degree in the related fields from the Asia-Pacific region are eligible. Those who have already shown their leadership in green economy sectors are strongly encouraged to apply.

Important Dates

Announcement of Call for Application  

August 3

Application Deadline                                        

August 17

Selection Notification                                  

August 24
Youth Forum                                                              September 25 to 29

Financial Support

Limited funding (round trip fare and local expenses) is available for deserving candidates from the Asia Pacific region. Funding details will be available upon request.

Apply online on this Link: Online Application Form

More information on the Forum Website: Asia Pacific Graduates Youth Forum on Green Economy