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IDEAS For United Nations (UN) – APPLY NOW!

In May 2012, IDEAS was recognized as an accredited NGO by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and granted the opportunity to attend the international discussions on sustainable development around the World, for years to come.

With their accreditation, 4 IDEAS members — Clayton Ferrara, Christopher Stampar and Nick Stampar and Chris Castro — had the honor of attending theUN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and preliminary events, including the 2012 World Youth Congress and UN Youth Blast Conferences.

In May 2012, IDEAS was recognized as an accredited NGO by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and granted the opportunity to attend the international discussions on sustainable development around the World, for years to come.

With their accreditation, 4 IDEAS members — Clayton Ferrara, Christopher Stampar and Nick Stampar and Chris Castro — had the honor of attending theUN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and preliminary events, including the 2012 World Youth Congress and UN Youth Blast Conferences.








As a result from their experience and this new accreditation, IDEAS For UN is officially launching as a new endeavor for the IDEAS movement, one that will bring members and affiliates partners to conferences and summits around the World, primarily hosted by the United Nations.

10 delegates will be selected to attend these conferences and network with fellow civil society members and other youth to:

  • Share best practices and resources
  • Participate in high-level conferences and negotiations
  • Create alliances and partnerships with new groups
  • Provide cutting-edge news updates to the World
  • Develop solutions related to sustainable development and climate change that youth can use around the World


November 26th – December 7th, 2012 

More details on the conference on this Link: COP18 in Qatar

The organisers are currently accepting applications to attend the COP18 summit. Interested delegates must Download the PDF attached below, and return the necessary information to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download PDF on this Link: Application Form

Source: Ideas for us

Read official announcement on this Link: IDEAS For United Nations (UN) – APPLY NOW!