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ICT Update - Call for articles - Agricultural research and ICTs

 ICT Update magazine is looking for articles for their forthcoming issue on Agricultural research and ICTshow ICT ideas come up through agricultural research, how ICTs are used to generate agricultural knowledge, exchange knowledge and disseminate it.

 ICT Update magazine is looking for articles for their forthcoming issue on Agricultural research and ICTshow ICT ideas come up through agricultural research, how ICTs are used to generate agricultural knowledge, exchange knowledge and disseminate it.

They would like to hear from anyone working on agricultural or rural development research projects how they include ICTs (mobile phones, computers, GIS, email, internet, radio, TV, etc) as ICTs can be more effectively used in generating, exchanging, and communicating agricultural knowledge.

For example, there are many agricultural research projects in African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries but how can ICTs help to connect the dots of different knowledge centres and communities? This is especially an important question as multidisciplinary research is important to find answers for the world’s global problems like climate change, food security and sustainable and equal growth.

Furthermore, agricultural research can result in new ideas on how to use or develop new ICT services that benefit agriculture and rural development in African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries. Where researchers can go with their initial plans for better ICT services, however? 

ICT Update, therefore, is looking for all kind of interesting stories and experiences (positive and negative) on agricultural research and ICTs. They hope you want to share ideas and lessons learned with our readers. If you are involved in a research project that made in an innovative way use of ICTs or know an interesting case please get in touch with brief details. Then they can send you an article outline and list of questions to cover in the article. The call for articles will end on 1 December 2012.

Enrica Porcari, Acting Director of Communications from the CGIAR Consortium is our guest editor for this issue. Enrica became the first chief information officer (CIO) of CGIAR in 2002, when she also started the ICT-KM Program, which aimed to support innovation in technologies and knowledge sharing in the agriculture research sector. She has an extensive knowledge and experience of information technology (IT), knowledge management, and communications related to development. In CGIAR Enrica is now responsible for communications and knowledge management.

Also, if you know interesting papers, reports, or recent news items related to the issue, please let the ICT Update team know.

They also greatly appreciate the responses to our previous calls for articles, and hope you will continue to support their efforts in forthcoming issues.

For more information, send an email to ICT Update’s editor Evert-jan Quak: 
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ICT Update ( is a bimonthly printed bulletin, web magazine, and accompanying e-mail newsletter focusing on the use of information and communication technologies in agriculture in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. It is published in English and French, by CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation) in Wageningen in the Netherlands.

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