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African youth Conference on Post-2015 Development Agenda

Chensar40The UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) have been mandated by the Secretary- General to lead the work on the post- 2015 framework. As the Secretary General indicated in his first annual report on this subject, work on the post-2015 agenda should be grounded in a critical evaluation of how the MDGs have worked as a framework, identifying what has worked well and areas for improvement, especially in response to current development challenges.

Youth participation is fundamental for the post-2015 agenda. They are the ones that will have to do the heavy lifting in its implementation.With 60.7 million African youth living on less than US $1 a day, young people deserve a 'seat' in the Post-2015 consultations.

The Organisation of African Youth is taking a leading role in ensuring African youth voice is heard and represented in post 2015 process. They have constituted an African Youth Working Group on Post-2015 Agenda to coordinate a youth-led engagement in the Post-MDG process that is inclusive, integrating African youth’s own account of their aspirations and values. They are also organizing with their partners an African Youth Conference on Post-2015 Development Agenda to draft and release an African Youth Declaration. They are calling for motivated young leaders to volunteer as Regional Coordinators and work with us in this process.

Chensar40The UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) have been mandated by the Secretary- General to lead the work on the post- 2015 framework. As the Secretary General indicated in his first annual report on this subject, work on the post-2015 agenda should be grounded in a critical evaluation of how the MDGs have worked as a framework, identifying what has worked well and areas for improvement, especially in response to current development challenges.

Youth participation is fundamental for the post-2015 agenda. They are the ones that will have to do the heavy lifting in its implementation.With 60.7 million African youth living on less than US $1 a day, young people deserve a 'seat' in the Post-2015 consultations.

The Organisation of African Youth is taking a leading role in ensuring African youth voice is heard and represented in post 2015 process. They have constituted an African Youth Working Group on Post-2015 Agenda to coordinate a youth-led engagement in the Post-MDG process that is inclusive, integrating African youth’s own account of their aspirations and values. They are also organizing with their partners an African Youth Conference on Post-2015 Development Agenda to draft and release an African Youth Declaration. They are calling for motivated young leaders to volunteer as Regional Coordinators and work with us in this process.

The most active youth will be invited to the conference and also represent youth issues in various meeting.

The selection process will be open and transparent to provide every young leader with an opportunity to take part in the conference. The organisers will then select those to be invited based on: 

  • Experience in youth leadership and advocacy
  • Knowledge of the MDGs and the Post-2015 Agenda
  • Track record of a young Change maker.
  • Age of between 15-35 years.
  • Gender representation. 

Two participants from each region will be selected, total to 10, based on innovative entrepreneurial ideas on tackling MDGS. There will be 5 slots per region reserved for persons with disability, minority groups and indigenous people while considering gender is mainstreamed in the youth participation. 

It is expected that 150 youth leaders, with equal gender representation, will take part in the conference. The organisers will also invite some key role players involved in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, such as: Ministers responsible of youth, African Union Commission/Youth Division, Regional Economic Communities, UN Agencies, Civil Society concerned with youth development and  Development Partners. 

For more information and to Apply. kindly visit this Link: African youth Conference on Post-2015 Development Agenda