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Google invites Applications from Women in Europe, the Middle East and Africa for the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

Deadline- 1 February 2013

You will be required to submit the following-

The 2010 Google Anita Borg Scholarship Recipients/FinalistsThis is a great opportunity for young professionals (women) in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) who are involved in the fields of Computing and technology!

Deadline- 1 February 2013

Countries/Region- All Countries

Female applicants are invited by Google for Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for the upliftment of women in the fields of computing and technology.

Dr. Anita Borg’s combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.

As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to furthering Anita’s vision, we are pleased to announce The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Through the scholarship, we aim to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, and become active role models and leaders.

Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance, leadership experience and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of female Bachelors, Masters, and PhD student finalists will be chosen from the applicant pool. The scholarship recipients will each receive a €7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship.

In June 2013, all scholarship recipients and finalists will be invited to visit a Google office in Europe for a networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity for all finalists to meet and share their experiences.

Two strong referral letters from individuals who are qualified to evaluate your academic and leadership accomplishments, e.g. from a professor, adviser or supervisor.

How to apply?

  • Please complete the online application and submit all requested documents by 1st February 2013. All application documents must be in English. Scholars and Finalists will be notified in April 2013.

You will be required to submit the following-

  1. Up-to-date copy of your CV
  2. Answers to the following questions (Suggested word count is 400-600 words per question. You should treat question 1 and 3 as technical reports or research papers):
  • Describe a significant technical project you have worked on. If applicant have worked on a major independent research project (such as research for a Master’s or PhD programme), please describe that work here. Give an overview of the problem and their approaches to the key technical challenges. If this was a group effort, be sure to specify your individual role and contributions.
  • Give one or two examples of applicants leadership abilities. Explain how applicant were influential and what they were trying to achieve. These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. Feel free to think broadly and examine the many ways you impact members of their technical community.
  • Suppose someone gave applicant the funding and resources for a 3- to 12-month project to investigate a technical topic of their choice. Write a short version of a proposal, including a description of the project, their planned methodology, and their expected results. Please pick something other than the project applicant described for the first question.


  • Be a female student enrolled in a Bachelors, Masters or PhD programme (or equivalent) in 2013/2014.
  • Be enrolled at a University in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply.
  • Be studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related technical field.
  • Maintain an excellent academic record (e.g. a First Class Honours degree).
  • Transcripts
  • Bachelors- A copy of your current academic record.
  • Masters- A copy of your previous and current academic records.
  • Phd- A copy of your previous academic records.

For  more information, visit this link

Source: Funds for NGOs

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