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CRRDSC Essay Competition: The Role of Youth in Climate Change Adaptation 2012

The goal of the competition is to provide young people with different backgrounds, to address global problems and find solutions through the development level of knowledge in DRR and Climate Change.

The goal of the competition is to provide young people with different backgrounds, to address global problems and find solutions through the development level of knowledge in DRR and Climate Change.


The role of younger generation on actions required to accelerate implementation of the Hyogo Framework of Action at a local level, and the role of youth in Climate Change Adaptation


  • The essay should be original and unpublished, in the English language and of  no more than 6,000 words in length (approximately 30 pages), including footnotes or endnotes.
  • A  reasonable amount of illustrative and tabular  material will be welcome.
  • The essay must be typed using a standard font (Times New Roman, 11 point font), single space paragraphs, double space between paragraphs, and double space after a heading. Include a cover page that lists the name, mailing  address and e-mail address of the student, the college or university, and the student's current status, i.e., sophomore, junior, 1st year MA, etc.

Judging Criteria:

Primary consideration will be given to the Essay's originality and its contribution to new knowledge and insights. Other considerations will be the author's demonstration of the relevance of the subject, the cogency of the presentation and the documentation, and the stylistic quality of the Essay.


  • Nov 30, 2012: Deadline for all essay submissions
  • Dec 7, 2012: Winners announced
  • Dec 17, 2012: The winners  will be invited to make an oral presentation about the paper at the Award Ceremony
  • Dec 18, 2012: Prize ceremony


Different types of students or teams of students, across different institution and geographical regions

Application Details:

Essays must be submitted  by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than November 30, 2012


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