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Call for Applications: First Annual Africa Youth Assembly.

Up to 200 people from Africa are being recruited to participate in the first Annual Africa Youth Assembly. The goal is to ensure that at least two young people from every African country are represented at this event, all with direct experience in youth-led development, so their valuable perspectives and realities provide a new paradigm for Africa’s development.

This is an excellent opportunity for a young person (aged 18 – 35), coming from one of the 54 official countries within Africa, with an interest in youth-led development and experience of working in this area, to develop their skills and experience in discussion and debate.

Youth participants will have a unique opportunity to provide their own perspectives on the discussion and offer their experiences of significant and serious contributions that young people can make in Africa’s development.

The  First Africa Youth Assembly  is  hosted by The International Youth Council-Kenya and partners from  the 26th – 28th February, 2013.

Up to 200 people from Africa are being recruited to participate in the first Annual Africa Youth Assembly. The goal is to ensure that at least two young people from every African country are represented at this event, all with direct experience in youth-led development, so their valuable perspectives and realities provide a new paradigm for Africa’s development.

This is an excellent opportunity for a young person (aged 18 – 35), coming from one of the 54 official countries within Africa, with an interest in youth-led development and experience of working in this area, to develop their skills and experience in discussion and debate.

Youth participants will have a unique opportunity to provide their own perspectives on the discussion and offer their experiences of significant and serious contributions that young people can make in Africa’s development.

Timing and dates

The  First Africa Youth Assembly  is  hosted by The International Youth Council-Kenya and partners from  the 26th – 28th February, 2013.

Please note these dates may be subject to some changes.


The Assembly is taking place in Nairobi, Kenya.


This is an unpaid voluntary position. Logistical information will be communicated to selected participants.

Personal Qualities and experience

All delegates must demonstrate direct experience of and expertise in youth-led development in Africa. (e.g. as a community development worker/volunteer, field researcher, youth advocate, youth worker, peer educator, M&E Officer)

Candidates must also demonstrate the following:

  • Excellent ability to work as part of a team and to get on with others
  • Ability to engage and enthuse and listen to others
  • Excellent communication and inter-personal skills
  • Articulate and confident public speaker- Fluent in English
  • Open minded and culturally aware
  • Aged 18-35

As far as possible, the final selected delegates will bring together a wide range of life experiences, abilities and social, economic and cultural backgrounds including:

  • a 50:50 ratio of young women and young men
  • People with disabilities
  • People of different sexualities
  • Self-employed, unemployed, student, full-time or part-time employment

Description of the role

As a youth participant your role will include the following:

Before the Event

  • Read the Assembly briefing pack and other information sent by IYC Kenya in preparation.
  • Set personal objectives for your participation in the event.
  • Active participation in Assembly discussions and working groups before the event.
  • Provide timely information to IYC Kenya for planning and any challenges arising.

During the Event

  • Active participation during the event. This will include participating in all group dialogue and sharing your own personal/professional experiences and views in a constructive way. .
  • Engage constructively with other youth participants on the issues being raised and discussed in the Event.
  • Other opportunities may arise for youth participants within the event, such as feeding back on your group discussions to the room, taking charge of a social media stream etc, so please be open to taking on further responsibilities.

After the Event

  • Active participation in a debrief session in Nairobi with other youth participants reflecting contructively on your Assembly experience.
  • Engage in follow up activities back in your country.
  • Write a summary (max. 800 – 1000 words) of your experience as a youth participant that can be used in online media about the event.

Application process

All applicants need to fill out this online form. No other form of application will be accepted.

Please ask the partner organisation you are connected with, to write a support letter on your behalf, as all chosen participants will have to provide that.

All candidates will be informed of final decision by 3rd February, 2013.

We are aware that this is a very high interest event; It is vital for participants to arrange their travel logistics including visas, accommodation in time. We will issue required letters to delegates.

The deadline for applications is the 21st January 2013.

Apply Now for the First Annual Africa Youth Assembly.

See the original announcement.