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Essay Competiton - “How to Fully Engage the Youth in Enhancing Fisheries and Aquaculture in Sub Saharan Africa”

Are you already member of the Youth For Fish Program under the African Fisheries Experts Network (Afri-Fishnet)?

To touch base, the goal of yffp is to empower youth to contribute towards the development of sustainable food security and poverty reduction through integrated agriculture aquaculture systems.

Are you already member of the Youth For Fish Program under the African Fisheries Experts Network (Afri-Fishnet)?

To touch base, the goal of yffp is to empower youth to contribute towards the development of sustainable food security and poverty reduction through integrated agriculture aquaculture systems.

Ahead of us lies a big opportunity for us to work towards such a goal. Bunda College (Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources-LUANAR) in partnership with NEPAD (Through the NEPAD Regional Fish Node at Bunda), Department of Fisheries, National Commission of Science and Technology (NCST) will this year host a National Conference on Aquaculture and Fisheries in Malawi.

The National Conference will be held at Sun n' Sand Holiday Resort, Malawi between 6-8th March, 2013 under the theme 'Aquaculture & Fisheries for Socio-Economic Growth'. The conference will thus bring together policy makers,research institutions, farmers and fisheries experts (international and national) to share experiences, lessons learnt, technologies developed in the sector.

As part of capacity building and bringing a youth perspective to the development of aquaculture and fisheries, Youth For Fish Program (YFFP) is inviting youths (15-35years) to participate in an essay competition on “How to Fully Engage the Youth in Enhancing Fisheries and Aquaculture in Sub Saharan Africa”. African Fisheries Experts Network (Afri-fishnet) will sponsor winning candidates (travel, accommodation and meals) to attend and present their essay at the conference.

Submit your 5-10 paged essay now! to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 13th February, 2013

Register to YFFP.