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Young Alpine Researcher Award

On the occasion of its centenary (1913-2013), the Revue de GĂ©ographie Alpine /Journal of Alpine Research (RGA/JAR) is holding a competition for young researchers working in Alpine studies.

PhD, post-doc and master's students are invited to submit scientific papers based on their research. Papers will be evaluated according to standard scientific publishing criteria and a jury will select the 6 best articles to be published in the journal, in both French and English (and possibly one other language used in Alpine countries). The best contribution will be awarded a prize of 500 euros.

On the occasion of its centenary (1913-2013), the Revue de GĂ©ographie Alpine /Journal of Alpine Research (RGA/JAR) is holding a competition for young researchers working in Alpine studies.

PhD, post-doc and master's students are invited to submit scientific papers based on their research. Papers will be evaluated according to standard scientific publishing criteria and a jury will select the 6 best articles to be published in the journal, in both French and English (and possibly one other language used in Alpine countries). The best contribution will be awarded a prize of 500 euros.

Submission deadline: April 30, 2013

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