EFITA2013 is a joint conference of three associations, EFITA, WCCA and CIGR VII sponsored event. All these associations deal with the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector.
This will be as well the focus of this conference.
EFITA2013 is a joint conference of three associations, EFITA, WCCA and CIGR VII sponsored event. All these associations deal with the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector.
This will be as well the focus of this conference.
The conference will start with a plenary opening session to introduce two keynote speakers on the first day, talking about sustainability issues and the EU vision of sustainability in the new EU research program named Horizon 2020.
The workshops and other keynote speakers will be scattered through the conference, to allow the maximum audience to them. The several key note speakers will introduce some interesting topics on recent ICT trends in agriculture, bioresource and agrofood systems.
Workshops will be held in small interactive groups form the heart of the conference, in which presentations alternate with hands-on exercises or real programming sessions.
Of course there will be ample of room for spontaneous and informal meetings for creative ideas.
They also welcome some ICT-related EU project meetings and dissemination events A plenary closing session will conclude the conference and set the agenda for the future.
For that purpose they invite and encourage also key persons from leading industries in agri-food/ICT business and policy makers.
The conference will be held in Turin, from June 24 to June 26, 2013. A technical tour to a state-of-the-art winery plant with wine tasting will be on the June 27.
Get more information about the call for paper and submit here: http://www.efita2013.org/web/index.php?go=pre_comunicacion