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Social Media Boot Camp at COP19 – Now open for applications!

Do you manage the social media outreach for a non-profit organisation? Interested in delving deeper into the use of social media and social reporting for nonprofit causes? Want to expand your social media network and contacts and learn how to organise social reporting from a major live event?

Then you might be interested in joining the COP19 Social Media Boot Camp organised by CGIAR (the Global Agricultural Research Partnership) at COP19, the UN Climate Change Conference (Warsaw-Poland, November 2013) in cooperation with The Global Landscapes Forum.

Do you manage the social media outreach for a non-profit organisation? Interested in delving deeper into the use of social media and social reporting for nonprofit causes? Want to expand your social media network and contacts and learn how to organise social reporting from a major live event?

Then you might be interested in joining the COP19 Social Media Boot Camp organised by CGIAR (the Global Agricultural Research Partnership) at COP19, the UN Climate Change Conference (Warsaw-Poland, November 2013) in cooperation with The Global Landscapes Forum.


This boot camp is open for the key social media coordinators from non-profit organisations and institutes.

The boot camp will combine “the theory” with “the practice” of social media and social reporting, during a six-day hands-on training exercise. It will include:

  • A hands-on workshop covering a wide range of practical topics: from technical tools, strategy development to a train-the-trainers exercise.
  • Learning in practice how to organise and train a team of social reporters.
  • Two days of live exercise, organising and managing the social reporting of a major COP19 side event:the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF).

The COP19 Social Media Boot Camp program

The boot camp will be an extensive six days hands-on training program with the following components:

  • Part 1: Sept-Oct (online): Virtual preparation
    During this period, we will gather all participants into a virtual working group. This online team will collaboratively identify and refine the boot camp topics, sharing the moderation and facilitation tasks. This phase will be the virtual preparation of the actual boot camp.
  • Part 2: Nov 12-13-14 (Warsaw): 3 day intensive workshop
    • Overview of the social media tools constellation;
    • How to define an online media strategy;
    • Hands-on case studies of social media outreach, and outreach projects. Learn from those experiences;
    • In depth coverage of technical tools to manage and optimize social media outlets;
    • Social media metrics for “Return on Investment”, and measurement of reach and impact (statistics);
    • “The art of…”: in-depth and hands-on training on best practices for most social media tools e.g. “key ingredients for a good blogpost”, “How to increase my Twitter following”, “How to sculpt a good Facebook post”, “Optimizing YouTube videos and their reach”,…;
    • Social media reviews: in-depth analysis of the social media outreach for each participating organisation (tools and strategy), condensed in a series of “best practice” standards;
    • Overview of the new tools: Introduction of tools concentrating on “how can I use them best for my organisation?”;
    • Social media web clinic: peer-assist sessions to improve specific cases of social media outreach, tools and methods;
    • Train-the-trainers: How can I train people in social media? This will be put into practice in part 3-4;
    • Train-the-stakeholders: How can I involve stakeholders who “own the content” to create social media content or get involved in the content creation process;
    • Impact showcases: Practical examples of direct impact, and impact measurement for the core work we do;
    • How to organise social reporting from events: hands-on training on live reporting from conferences, webcasting and live online discussion moderation;
    • The participants will identify other topics during the preparation of the boot camp (part 1).
  • Part 3: Nov 15 (Warsaw): Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Social Reporters training:
    A one day social reporting training, given by the boot camp participants, for the GLF social reporters. This is the practical part of the “train-the-trainers” program.
  • Part 4: Nov 16-17 (Warsaw): the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) social reporting:
    Two days hands-on social reporting from the GLF event. During this exercise, the boot camp participants will both guide the social reporters as well as generate social media content themselves (and be a social reporter themselves, for their own organisation).

Selection of the boot camp participants:

This Social Media boot camp is not for the faint of heart. To keep the group uniform in terms of experience and expertise, each participant has to respond to some basic selection criteria:

  1. Work for a non-profit organisation or an educational institute
  2. Manage a social media team or coordinate the social media outreach for an organisation
  3. Proven expertise/experience with at least five social media outlets
  4. Be able and willing to participate in the entire six day exercise, including the actual social reporting exercise at the GLF

Advantage for the participants and their organisations

  • Participating organisations’ social media coordinators will get a unique hands-on training with more tools they ever had access to before, combined in a way few have ever done before.
  • During the exercise, the social media coordinators will be able to generate content pertinent to their own organisation, from COP19. Through their own social media coordinators, each organisation will get fresh and original content for their websites and social media networks, and get significant visibility from COP19/GLF spin-off.
  • As this boot camp is organised in cooperation with the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), the common cost for the logistics is kept to a minimum. As the GLF has a sound and extensive social media strategy and tool set, participants will be able to learn hands-on how to manage tools like online chat-discussions, webcast moderations, live tweeting,…
  • This is not only an excellent training opportunity but also allows key organisations to expand their social media networks and contacts through on-the-ground networking with like-minded organisations.

Our track record

In the past years, the CGIAR Consortium has worked extensively on integrating social media into its online outreach. We organised the online media outreach and the social reporting at major international events, such as COP18the Africa AgKnowledge SharefairRIO+20the Global Conference for Agricultural Research for Development and Planet Under Pressure. We used those opportunities not only to extend our own online networks by reaching out to other “Agriculture for Development” (AR4D/Ag4Dev) partners, and non-profit organisations, but also acted as “an enabler” to get all participating organisations networking amongst each other.

This workshop is organised in cooperation with The Global Landscapes Forum, coordinated by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) who organised major events at previous COP meetings, such as Forestday 6 and Agriculture, Landscapes and Livelihoods Day 5.

The cost and a call-for-applications:

This boot camp is a service offered by the CGIAR Consortium Shared Services team, and as such the cost for the facilitation, organisation and onsite logistics will be cost shared amongst the participants. With a minimum number of 15 participants, the cost (excluding travel, hotel, meals, and daily allowances) amounts to US$1,400/participant.

At this moment, we are taking initial applications. Please email applications to the boot camp facilitator: Peter Casier – p.casier(at)cgiar(dot)org. In your email, please specify the organisation/institute you work for, and your social media outlets/expertise.

Once we reach our quorum of the minimum 15 participants, we will confirm the final scheduling. At that point you will need to make your payment.