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European Support to Strengthen Higher Education in Agriculture: EDULINK II

EDULINK II is the ACP-EU Cooperation Program in Higher Education.  It has the objective of continuing cooperation in the field of higher education between the countries of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States (ACP States) and the European Union.

Unlike previous calls for proposals, EDULINK II focuses on two thematic areas:

EDULINK II is the ACP-EU Cooperation Program in Higher Education.  It has the objective of continuing cooperation in the field of higher education between the countries of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States (ACP States) and the European Union.

Unlike previous calls for proposals, EDULINK II focuses on two thematic areas:

  • Energy access and efficiency, and
  • Agriculture and food security.

Projects will support capacity building -- both academic and managerial -- at universities and other institutions of higher education in the ACP countries.

Grants will range from €200 thousand to €500 thousand for periods of 12 to 42 months.  The global amount of budget available to fund projects is over EUR 23 million. 

Partnerships require a minimum of three institutions in at least two ACP countries. The application deadline is 30 July 2012.

More information about EDULINK II can be found on EDULINK's website, and the websites of EuropeAid and the ACP Secretariat (linked from EDULINK).