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AGFUND International Prizes: Food Security for the Poor

The Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND) annually offers the AGFUND International Prize for Pioneering Human Development Projects.   The Prize aims to encourage innovation and creativity in areas of human development, focusing on a different theme each year. 

The theme of the AGFUND Prize in 2012 is "Food Security for the Poor." 

The Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND) annually offers the AGFUND International Prize for Pioneering Human Development Projects.   The Prize aims to encourage innovation and creativity in areas of human development, focusing on a different theme each year. 

The theme of the AGFUND Prize in 2012 is "Food Security for the Poor." 

AGFUND will make awards for outstanding achievements in each of four categories, as reproduced below from AGFUND's website: 

FIRST CATEGORY: (US$ 200,000)   The role of international organizations in supporting the developing countries' national policies and programs for sustainable food security (For projects implemented by UN, international or regional organizations).

SECOND CATEGORY: (US$ 150,000)   NGO-led efforts to develop the skills and capabilities of the poor for food security in poor communities. (For projects implemented by national NGOs).

THIRD CATEGORY: (US$ 100,000)   Governmental efforts in adoption of pioneering programs, policies, and best practices to achieve food security for the poor. (For projects by government ministries and public institutions).

FOURTH CATEGORY: (US$ 50,000)   Individual-led efforts to integrate the poor and poor households in food security activities (For projects initiated, sponsored and/or implemented by individuals).

YPARD may have members and organizations whose work is sufficiently outstanding to be nominated for these Prizes.  AGFUND's deadline for receiving nominations is 31 May 2012.