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Orskov Foundation: Grants for Animal Agriculture 2013

Orskov Foundation

The Orskov Foundation makes grants of up to £2,500 to support animal agriculture (livestock, aquaculture, bee keeping, etc.) in developing countries. 

Orskov Foundation

The Orskov Foundation makes grants of up to £2,500 to support animal agriculture (livestock, aquaculture, bee keeping, etc.) in developing countries. 

  1. One category of grants supports university students in agricultural studies related to poverty alleviation and environmental sustainabilty. 
  2. The second category of grants is for community-based agriculture on a revolving-fund basis.

Applications are accepted from 01 October through 31 December.  The Foundation states that it is not possible to provide individual feedback on unsuccessful applications due to the large number of applications it receives each year.

Interested individuals should consult Orskov's website for application guidelines, the application forms, and lists of the Foundation's funded community projects and student grants.