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SICRISA 2013: Climate Research and Information Services in South Asia

The Institute of Development Studies contributes to the program SICRISA (Support to Improve Climate Research and Information Services in South Asia)

SICRISA offers fellowships and writing workshops for researchers in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan who are working on any aspect of research related to climate change (Editor's note:  This may include agriculture.)

The Institute of Development Studies contributes to the program SICRISA (Support to Improve Climate Research and Information Services in South Asia)

SICRISA offers fellowships and writing workshops for researchers in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan who are working on any aspect of research related to climate change (Editor's note:  This may include agriculture.)

Participants should be early/mid career researchers, although SICRISA may consider researchers who are more established. SICRISA's announcement includes application guidelines and forms for the fellowships and also for the writing workshops. The application deadline for workshops is 31 January 2013; the deadline for fellowships is 15 February 2013.