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French Institute for Development Research (IRD): North/South Research Collaboration

The French Institute for Development Research (IRD) sponsors the program PEERS to reinforce research capacity in the global "South." Priority themes include agriculture, aquaculture, climate change, and energy (among others).

Each partnership in PEERS should be integrated with a larger program or project, and should involve at least one of the members of L'AIRD (CIRAD, Université française, Institut Pasteur, CNRS, INSERM, IRD)The maximum grant is €30 thousand per year. Applicants that are not  members of IRD's network need to provide co-financing of 50% of project costs. 

The French Institute for Development Research (IRD) sponsors the program PEERS to reinforce research capacity in the global "South." Priority themes include agriculture, aquaculture, climate change, and energy (among others).

Each partnership in PEERS should be integrated with a larger program or project, and should involve at least one of the members of L'AIRD (CIRAD, Université française, Institut Pasteur, CNRS, INSERM, IRD)The maximum grant is €30 thousand per year. Applicants that are not  members of IRD's network need to provide co-financing of 50% of project costs. 

IRD posts the terms of reference, application form, and a model commitment letter in both French and English. The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2013.