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Conservation International -- Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Conservation Fellowship 2014-2015

Conservation International (CI) offers the Indigenous Leaders Conservation Fellowship for leaders from indigenous and traditional peoples in East Africa, Asia (Mekong Delta and Indonesia), and the Amazon Basin. One fellowship will focus on traditional knowledge, climate change, and biodiversity. Two fellowships will focus on gender dynamics, women’s empowerment in natural resources management, and traditional knowledge.

The application deadline is 15 June 2014.

Conservation International (CI) offers the Indigenous Leaders Conservation Fellowship for leaders from indigenous and traditional peoples in East Africa, Asia (Mekong Delta and Indonesia), and the Amazon Basin. One fellowship will focus on traditional knowledge, climate change, and biodiversity. Two fellowships will focus on gender dynamics, women’s empowerment in natural resources management, and traditional knowledge.

The application deadline is 15 June 2014.

Proposal Guidelines | Application form