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ICT Achievement Awards 2014

It’s time to recognise regional excellence in ICT once again. And there is no better way than through the fifth annual ICT Achievement Awards, which will be held on 12th October 2014.
CNME’s ICT Achievement Awards recognise individuals and organisations that have delivered ground-breaking business value through the innovative application of technologies.
The nominating process is simple. On or before 2nd September 2014, you will need to submit:
•  A detailed narrative describing the project/initiative (no more than 1,000 words)
•  Some empirical facts/metrics that demonstrate the project/initiative’s value
•  Additionally, you will also be asked to provide details about key contacts in the nominated organisation
Visit ICT Achievement Awards website to complete the nomination form today.
Award nominations may be submitted by an organisation itself, by public relations professionals representing a nominated organisation, or by solution providers/partners of a nominated organisation.