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tvebiomovies 2014

tvebiomovies 2014I am writing to tell you about tvebiomovies 2014, tve's annual environmental film competition that's open to anyone with a camera and an interesting film idea! We'd love your help in promoting this competition – promoting it through your site, adding a link to your newsletter or, if you have one, your Facebook or Twitter page. tvebiomovies is a great opportunity for aspiring and established filmmakers to get their message out to an international audience. Keep reading to find out how.

Entering is simple: choose a category, think about how to tackle the topic using film  then submit a proposal using the online entry form at biomovies website. A judging panel will select 9 proposals to be put through to the final. The lucky finalists will be given $300 to turn their ideas into reality and produce their films. Once the 9 films are delivered, they'll be uploaded to the tve YouTube channel where views equal votes. The film in each category that generates the most views during the 'voting' stage will win $1500! Plus, what's more, all 9 films will be screened in Pyeongchang, Korea during the COP 12, Convention on Biological Diversity.

tvebiomovies 2014I am writing to tell you about tvebiomovies 2014, tve's annual environmental film competition that's open to anyone with a camera and an interesting film idea! We'd love your help in promoting this competition – promoting it through your site, adding a link to your newsletter or, if you have one, your Facebook or Twitter page. tvebiomovies is a great opportunity for aspiring and established filmmakers to get their message out to an international audience. Keep reading to find out how.

Entering is simple: choose a category, think about how to tackle the topic using film  then submit a proposal using the online entry form at biomovies website. A judging panel will select 9 proposals to be put through to the final. The lucky finalists will be given $300 to turn their ideas into reality and produce their films. Once the 9 films are delivered, they'll be uploaded to the tve YouTube channel where views equal votes. The film in each category that generates the most views during the 'voting' stage will win $1500! Plus, what's more, all 9 films will be screened in Pyeongchang, Korea during the COP 12, Convention on Biological Diversity.

Categories include renewable energyprotecting the world`s natural environment, and bamboo and the vital roles these play in a sustainable future. As you'll agree, there's a variety of topics that will be sure to interest everyone. Entries must be submitted by 25 August 2014 so there's plenty of time to think of an idea!