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PhD Scholarship Positions in the field of climate change -- HORTINLEA reseach project

The Egerton University and the German Centre for Rural Development (SLE) offer two PhD positions in the field of climate change. The PhD students will contribute to the Sub-Project 8 (SP8): “Climate Change and Ecological Sustainability of Horticultural Value Chains” under the supervision of the Egerton University and Humboldt, SLE and PIK academics.

The central aim of the sub-project 8 is to provide a comprehensive analysis on the impacts of climate change on horticultural production and environmental sustainability issues, by considering different farming systems, including smallholders, outgrowers, export farms, and urban/peri-urban glasshouse production. Based on this analysis, the project shall identify options both for adapting to a changing climate and for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on farms and along value chains. 

The Egerton University and the German Centre for Rural Development (SLE) offer two PhD positions in the field of climate change. The PhD students will contribute to the Sub-Project 8 (SP8): “Climate Change and Ecological Sustainability of Horticultural Value Chains” under the supervision of the Egerton University and Humboldt, SLE and PIK academics.

The central aim of the sub-project 8 is to provide a comprehensive analysis on the impacts of climate change on horticultural production and environmental sustainability issues, by considering different farming systems, including smallholders, outgrowers, export farms, and urban/peri-urban glasshouse production. Based on this analysis, the project shall identify options both for adapting to a changing climate and for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on farms and along value chains. 

Applicants are expected to develop, define and implement their own PhD research project within the SP8. 
Applicants for this PhD positions should have a background in at least one of the following fields: Economics, agriculture / horticulture, environmental science / natural resources management, rural development. Applicants must hold a Master’s degree with excellent results. Very good written and oral English and excellent MS Office skills are essential for this position. Knowledge of German is beneficial, but not required. 

Core eligibility criteria

  • Age: 25-35
  • Master’s degree
  • National of Kenya, Ethiopia, or Tansania
  • Eligible for registration in Humboldt University of Berlin. Click here to see eligibility criteria.
  • Able to work in an interdisciplinary and multicultural team

Of advantage are as well:

  • Relevant publications and very good writing skills
  • Methods/experience for/in empirical socio-economic research
  • Excellent organisation and communication skills

Applications are expected in the area of “Climate Change and Ecological Sustainability” for two distinct positions: A. Climate Change Adaptation and B. Climate Change Mitigation.