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International Congress Hidden Hunger 2015 -- Applications for scholarships

The 2nd International Congress Hidden Hunger is a global meeting of scientists, field workers, members of NGOs and representatives from the government, public, private and civil sector. It will focus on causes and consequences of Hidden Hunger during early development as well as on counter-strategies.

The congress will be held from March 3-6, 2015 at Stuttgart, Germany.

The 2nd International Congress Hidden Hunger is a global meeting of scientists, field workers, members of NGOs and representatives from the government, public, private and civil sector. It will focus on causes and consequences of Hidden Hunger during early development as well as on counter-strategies.

The congress will be held from March 3-6, 2015 at Stuttgart, Germany.

Topics will include:

  1. Impact of malnutrition on intrauterine development and its consequences on long-term health,
  2. Impact of Hidden Hunger on physical and cognitive development,
  3. Consequences of Hidden Hunger for future society and economy,
  4. Early detection of Hidden Hunger and options to intervene before and during pregnancy, lactation, complementary feeding, weaning and post-weaning period.

Panel discussions with participants from high- and low-income countries will focus on the links and gaps between science and reality in all parts of the world. The conference will also bring together various disciplines to discuss Hidden Hunger under the perspectives of nutrition, gynecology/obstetrics, pediatrics from neonatology to adolescent medicine, social sciences, politics, economics, and agricultural sciences.

Scholarships will include travel and accomodation expenses as well as the congress fee (up to 1500€).

Your application should include a submission of an abstract, reasons why financial support is needed, as well as an up-to-date curriculum vitae. You find the appropriate online form for an abstract at: and you need to send your up-to-date curriculum vitae to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Notifications regarding the acceptance of an application for a scholarship will be sent to all applicants by email as from November 30th, 2014.