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EGS-ABG : European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics

The European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EGS-ABG) offers a programme shaped to train the new generations of animal breeders to meet the challenges of the increasing demand of food while reducing the impacts on environment and biodiversity. EGS-ABG is jointly organized by four European higher education institutions, namely, AgroParisTech (APT, France), Aarhus University (AU, Denmark), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sweden) and Wageningen University (WU, The Netherlands).

EGS-ABG offers 6 funded 4-year PhD projects scheduled to start on September 2015.

The European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EGS-ABG) offers a programme shaped to train the new generations of animal breeders to meet the challenges of the increasing demand of food while reducing the impacts on environment and biodiversity. EGS-ABG is jointly organized by four European higher education institutions, namely, AgroParisTech (APT, France), Aarhus University (AU, Denmark), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sweden) and Wageningen University (WU, The Netherlands).

EGS-ABG offers 6 funded 4-year PhD projects scheduled to start on September 2015.

A total of 6 projects will be funded among the 10 listed in the Table below. Candidates can apply for up to 3 projects, and the choice of the funded projects will depend on the ranking of candidates.

Each PhD project is jointly supervised by two institutions (see above the meaning of acronyms).
Mobility between both institutions is a full part of the programme.

Nr-Inst.           Topic
2-SLU-WU        Antibody quality of colostrum and milk in dairy cows and uptake of colostral antibodies in dairy calves: importance for health and production, and potential for genetic selection
3-WU-SLU        Genetics of seasonal timing in the great tit (Parus major)
4-AU-APT         Identification of causal factors for recessive genetic defects for embryonic lethality in dairy cattle combining whole exome and genome sequencing
5-AU-SLU         Quantifying the value of genetically specific organic lines within dairy breeding
6-WU-SLU         The application of Genomic selection to Genotype by Environment interactions in Nile Tilapia
7-SLU-APT        Resource allocation in farm animals
8-APT-SLU        Identification of biomarkers to allow the sustainable breeding for genetic resistance to gastro-intestinal nematodes in small    ruminants under a tropical environment
11-SLU-AU        Genomic evaluation for male fertility in dairy cattle
12-WU-AU         Development and evaluation of poultry breeding programs for smallholders in Africa
14-AU-WU         Genetic evaluation of feed efficiency of tropical adapted chicken in Sub-Saharan Africa


A master degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics, or related fields, and English proficiency are required to apply.
Students who still are in their 2nd master year can already apply: if they are selected, their enrolment will be conditioned to their Master award before July 31, 2015.

Details on the fellowships and the application procedure are available on our website:

For further information and contact

EGS-ABG secretary, UFR Génétique, Elevage et Reproduction
AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude Bernard, 75231 Paris 05, France