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IPCC Scholarship Programme

To apply, please register via the application portal here. You will need to complete and upload an application form, your research proposal, aprovisional budget and proof of an admissions offer for PhD studies. The forms are available via the portal, once you have registered. 
Please note the deadline for submission is 15 February 2015 at midnight CET.

The aim of the IPCC Scholarship Programme is to build capacity in the understanding and management of climate change in developing countries by providing opportunities for young scientists from developing countries to undertake doctoral studies.    Applications submitted by students from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are given priority.

The call for applications for the 3rd round of scholarship awards is now open.

To apply, please register via the application portal here. You will need to complete and upload an application form, your research proposal, aprovisional budget and proof of an admissions offer for PhD studies. The forms are available via the portal, once you have registered. 
Please note the deadline for submission is 15 February 2015 at midnight CET.

The call for applications opens on 9 January 2015. The deadline for submission via the online portal is 15 February 2015 at midnight CET. Candidates selected for awards will be notified by September 2015 and the results will be made public in October 2015. The IPCC Scholarship Programme will offer scholarships worth a maximum of Euros 15,000 each per year for up to two years during the period 2015-17 to selected students. 

Candidates must be a citizen of a developing country and be no more than 30 years of age at the time of application. Candidates must have an admissions offer for PhD studies or be currently studying at PhD level at a university of their choice. Research proposals accepted for the third round of awards will fall under the following themes of study: 

  • Climate and water
  • Climate and the oceans
  • Underlying science of climate change
  • Socio-economic modelling related to climate change


The aim of the IPCC Scholarship Programme is to build capacity in the understanding and management of climate change in developing countries by providing opportunities for young scientists from developing countries to undertake doctoral studies.    Applications submitted by students from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are given priority.

To obtain more information, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the IPCC scholarship Facebook page

Programme Coordinator 
Tel.: +41(22) 730 8208 
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