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Bioversity -- Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship on Agricultural Grain Species

The Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship enables scientists from developing countries to carry out research on the conservation and use of agricultural and forest biodiversity. With funding support from Australia, the focus for 2015 is research on grain species relevant to both Australia and the applicant’s home country. The fellowship is up to US$20 thousand for a research project of up to one year. Applicants should hold at least a masters degree, and be no more than age 35. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 28 February 2015.

The Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship enables scientists from developing countries to carry out research on the conservation and use of agricultural and forest biodiversity. With funding support from Australia, the focus for 2015 is research on grain species relevant to both Australia and the applicant’s home country. The fellowship is up to US$20 thousand for a research project of up to one year. Applicants should hold at least a masters degree, and be no more than age 35. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 28 February 2015.