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Special call for attachments for PhD and MSc graduates specialising in barley, finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum

This call is exclusively targeting MSc and PhD students who have carried out their research on barley, finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum. There are TWO awards available to PhD students who have recently graduated, or who have submitted their theses and are awaiting results. These grants are each for a maximum of US$10,000 over a period of six months, and are meant to provide the stipend and travel costs of the student. 

There are TWO awards available to M.Sc students who have recently graduated, or who have submitted
their theses and are awaiting reuslts. These grants are for a maximum of US$5000 over a period of six
months, and are meant to provide the stipend and travel costs of the student.

This call is exclusively targeting MSc and PhD students who have carried out their research on barley, finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum. There are TWO awards available to PhD students who have recently graduated, or who have submitted their theses and are awaiting results. These grants are each for a maximum of US$10,000 over a period of six months, and are meant to provide the stipend and travel costs of the student. 

There are TWO awards available to M.Sc students who have recently graduated, or who have submitted
their theses and are awaiting reuslts. These grants are for a maximum of US$5000 over a period of six
months, and are meant to provide the stipend and travel costs of the student.


  • The Call is open to all RUFORUM sponsored MSc and PhD students who worked with barely finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum and who have recently graduated, or who have submitted their thesis for examination including students attending any of the RUFORUM Regional post-graduate degrees or those who were sponsored through the RUFORUM CGS, both GRGs and CARPs.
  • Applications with evidence of acceptance or prior contact with an ICRISAT or ICARDA scientist, project, will receive priority.
  • Applicants will not be eligible if they have pending accounting of RUFORUM funds or projects.

Requirements - Please refer to the Competitive Grants System (CGS) Grants Manual General Information
and Guidelines for full details
, especially Appendix 1.

  • Evidence of recent degree award, or a letter from the Dean confirming that the thesis has been submitted and the student is awaiting the examination process.
  • Completed on-line Application Form that includes a summary of the applicant’s research work, a short motivation of why they should receive the award, and an outline of what they propose to achieve during their attachment.

Application Review Process

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis by a Technical Committee. Proposals will go through a compliance review and the Technical Committee selection procedure.

Grant Award process

Letters will be sent to the student advising them of success and establishing banking details. The stipend is
normally paid in two tranches directly to the student, with the second payment dependent upon successful
delivery of outputs.

Reporting requirements

Applicants are required to submit a progress report together with evidence of their activities in the form of
articles and dissemination activities, and to write a short piece on their experiences for the RUFORUM