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Save the Rhino International (SRI) -- Rhino Conservation, Science, and Education

SRI aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. Most grants are to government agencies (i.e., in the rhino range states); conservation NGOs (rhino range states and international); and community-based organizations (local). Grants are in the range of US$20 thousand to US$30 thousand per year, with several that are larger.

SRI aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. Most grants are to government agencies (i.e., in the rhino range states); conservation NGOs (rhino range states and international); and community-based organizations (local). Grants are in the range of US$20 thousand to US$30 thousand per year, with several that are larger.