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Nordic Africa Institute: Travel scholarship for fieldwork in Africa

Around 20–30 scholars associated with Nordic universities, colleges and research institutions are sponsored annually for research trips to Africa.

Students registered in educational programmes at Nordic universities, colleges and other research institutions in the Nordic countries (= Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) can apply for the scholarships regardless of citizenship. The scholarships are only intended for MA and PhD candidates.

The scholarships are intended for research and preparation of research projects. Research should concern development issues in Africa and emphasis is placed on the social sciences (anthropology, history, economics, human geography, political science, sociology etc).

Scholarships are intended to cover travel expenses to Africa and to contribute to the cost of local travel and living expenses. Exceptionally, scholarships may be awarded for archive studies in Europe.

Natural science projects must clearly motivate how they relate to social sciences and development. The scholarships are not awarded for study visits, excursions or participation in conferences. Funds to cover salary expenses cannot be applied for. Scholarships will not be awarded for fieldwork that has already been completed before 31 January (= the closing date for applications). Scholarships are not awarded to the same project more than once. Support is not given for language training trips. Persons employed by or otherwise professionally affiliated with the Nordic Africa Institute are not eligible for scholarship applications.

For further information please contact Annika Franklin:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
phone +46-18 471 52 45.

Around 20–30 scholars associated with Nordic universities, colleges and research institutions are sponsored annually for research trips to Africa.

Students registered in educational programmes at Nordic universities, colleges and other research institutions in the Nordic countries (= Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) can apply for the scholarships regardless of citizenship. The scholarships are only intended for MA and PhD candidates.

The scholarships are intended for research and preparation of research projects. Research should concern development issues in Africa and emphasis is placed on the social sciences (anthropology, history, economics, human geography, political science, sociology etc).

Scholarships are intended to cover travel expenses to Africa and to contribute to the cost of local travel and living expenses. Exceptionally, scholarships may be awarded for archive studies in Europe.

Natural science projects must clearly motivate how they relate to social sciences and development. The scholarships are not awarded for study visits, excursions or participation in conferences. Funds to cover salary expenses cannot be applied for. Scholarships will not be awarded for fieldwork that has already been completed before 31 January (= the closing date for applications). Scholarships are not awarded to the same project more than once. Support is not given for language training trips. Persons employed by or otherwise professionally affiliated with the Nordic Africa Institute are not eligible for scholarship applications.

For further information please contact Annika Franklin:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
phone +46-18 471 52 45.