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The International Iguana foundation awards-Apply for a grant!

The International Iguana Foundation awards were established to promote and enable iguana conservation through partnerships with scientists, educators, and organizations committed to preserving earth’s biodiversity.

The IIF provides annual project funding to a wide range of species and programs through our grant application process.  A Request for Proposals is announced in mid-summer and granting decisions are made by the IIF Board of Directors in October/November.

The International Iguana Foundation awards were established to promote and enable iguana conservation through partnerships with scientists, educators, and organizations committed to preserving earth’s biodiversity.

The IIF provides annual project funding to a wide range of species and programs through our grant application process.  A Request for Proposals is announced in mid-summer and granting decisions are made by the IIF Board of Directors in October/November.

Preference will be given to

  • Projects that are components of approved Species Recovery Plans.
  • Projects that directly contribute to the survival of endangered iguanas and their habitats.
  • Projects that are included in the ISG’s Conservation Action Plan for West Indian Iguanas or are ISG-endorsed.
  • Projects that are part of an established conservation program.

 Criteria of evaluation

  • The project has range country participation and has matching funds.
  • The project builds on previous work, contributing to an established commitment to a conservation program, or is well suited to become/contribute to a long-term conservation program.
  • The project is grounded in sound scientific methodology, is logistically feasible, and has a high probability of success.
  • The project has conservation value and a measurable impact.

Deadline for submission of application is 9th October 2015

More International Iguana Foundation awards