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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ;Agriculture-Nutrition Impact grants

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the foundation) are seeking applications to conduct innovative, large-scale studies in agriculture to improve nutrition and health outcomes. There is currently insufficient knowledge on how to design, implement and measure the impact of agricultural programs on nutritional status and health, particularly of women and children. This Request for Application (RFA) seeks applications for large-scale, medium to long-term research studies and evaluations that will deliver robust evidence on the impact of agriculture on nutrition and health outcomes with a particular interest in studies that focus on animal-source foods in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The knowledge generated from these research studies will contribute to nutrition-sensitive programs and policies in agriculture at the national, regional and global levels.

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the foundation) are seeking applications to conduct innovative, large-scale studies in agriculture to improve nutrition and health outcomes. There is currently insufficient knowledge on how to design, implement and measure the impact of agricultural programs on nutritional status and health, particularly of women and children. This Request for Application (RFA) seeks applications for large-scale, medium to long-term research studies and evaluations that will deliver robust evidence on the impact of agriculture on nutrition and health outcomes with a particular interest in studies that focus on animal-source foods in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The knowledge generated from these research studies will contribute to nutrition-sensitive programs and policies in agriculture at the national, regional and global levels.

Evaluation criteria

Proposals will be selected for funding in a two-phase process of short concept memos followed by longer full proposals.

Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the goals of this RFA and with DFID and the foundation’s strategies in agriculture and nutrition
  • Potential to fill, or contribute to filling, a major gap in global or country evidence on linking agriculture and nutrition, including continued relevancy of the research question over time
  • Capability, initiative, commitment of the lead principal investigator (PI) and the lead institution
  • Excellence and rigor of the research design and implementation plan
  • Articulation of the final outcome of the program following the conclusion of the research study, including dissemination and research uptake plan and link with key policy makers
  • Partnership with a strong organizational home in the country or countries where work will be implemented
  • Overall value for money

More UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation